Your hard drive must be formatted with a file system such as FAT, FAT32 or NTFS so that Windows can be installed on to it. This system determines how files are named, organised and stored on the drive. If you’re not using it already, NTFS (New Technology File System) is recommended for Windows XP because of the additional functionality it offers. If your PC came with Windows XP pre-installed then there’s a chance that you’re already using NTFS. If you’ve upgraded from Windows 98 or Windows Me you may still be using FAT or FAT 32. The option to change over to NTFS would have been available during the upgrade process. Don’t worry if you skipped this as it’s possible to convert at any time from within Windows XP without losing any data.
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Converting Hardisk to NTFS
Your hard drive must be formatted with a file system such as FAT, FAT32 or NTFS so that Windows can be installed on to it. This system determines how files are named, organised and stored on the drive. If you’re not using it already, NTFS (New Technology File System) is recommended for Windows XP because of the additional functionality it offers. If your PC came with Windows XP pre-installed then there’s a chance that you’re already using NTFS. If you’ve upgraded from Windows 98 or Windows Me you may still be using FAT or FAT 32. The option to change over to NTFS would have been available during the upgrade process. Don’t worry if you skipped this as it’s possible to convert at any time from within Windows XP without losing any data.
Breaking Benjamin - Breath (Lyrics)
Istilah dalam chatting (Yahoo! dan mIRC)
Net splits
Network dapat menjadi terpecah (disebut "net split"), jadi memisahkan anda dari user-user yang sedang berbicara dengan anda. Split ini sering terjadi cukup singkat, walau kadang sampai beberapa hari.
Problem yang sering muncul adalah "lag", dimana ada delay yang terasa antara waktu ketika anda mengetikkan pesan dan sampai orang lain membacanya. Pilihlah server terdekat dengan kita untuk mengurangi lag. Lag dapat diukur dengan menggunakan perintah /ping (lihat bagian perintah-perintah di atas). Perintah untuk berpindah server adalah /server nama.server.tsb.
Bahaya Ghibah dan 'Ngerumpi'
Menggosip adalah tindakan yang paling dibenci Allah. Tapi celakanya, kebiasaan ini justru disukai banyak orang, baik di kantor, ditempat kerja atau bahkan di rumah. Terurama kalangan ibu-ibu. Banyak hal yang bergeser dan berubah dengan hadirnya pesawat televisi ke rumah kita, terutama yang berkaitan dengan budaya dan akhlak. Salah satu yang jelas terlihat yaitu pergeseran makna bergunjing atau menggosip.
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